Introducing: ShapeDiver Analytics!

April 7, 2019 by ShapeDiver

With the ShapeDiver Analytics dashboard, understand how users interact with your ShapeDiver models and your product configurators. Let the data drive updates and business decisions. You have never been closer to your online users and customers.

After investing several weeks - maybe months - into building a product configurator, it's tempting to think that the website launch marks the end of the project. In fact, it is only the beginning of the learning phase. You will need to start tracking the behaviour of the website visitors, the impact of the configurator on sales, quotes or whichever goals you set for the application, and iterate to reach perfection. The brand new ShapeDiver Analytics dashboard provides advanced statistics on the way your visitors interact with online models. They give you the power to make informed decisions regarding when and how to update your configurator.


The ShapeDiver Analytics follow the principles of other state-of-the-art administration panels found online. The goal is to aggregate large amounts of online data while providing a flexible interface that allows intuitive and convenient exploration of the relevant metrics.

All the metrics in the dashboard are available for time periods ranging from several hours to several months. The results can scale to a hourly, daily or monthly precision, with the help of interactive graphs. By dragging across the graph, one can define a selection window to zoom in precise time periods.

A comparison to the previous time period is always available as a dotted curve against the plain one. Global metrics and specific data points are provided with tendencies showing increase or decrease from the previous time period.

Let's have a look at which metrics are already available in the current beta version of the dashboard, and which ones will come enrich the feature in the near future.

Available Metrics

1. Session Details

How many people are interacting with your online parametric models? How much time do they spend browsing through the parameters and exploring the various options? The session details provide answers to those very questions.

A session starts every time a user opens a ShapeDiver model (on the ShapeDiver platform or integrated anywhere else online). It ends when the user closes the website or application where the model is embedded. Therefore, the number and the duration of model sessions are the two fundamental metrics to watch when publishing models on ShapeDiver.

Those two metrics are both available in the "Analytics" panel, as two separate tabs. You can check the total number of sessions or break it down between embedded sessions and the ones coming directly from the ShapeDiver platform.

As for session durations, they are available as a cumulative, average and maximum durations over a time period.

2. Parameter Interactions

The dashboard also allows to track two metrics about the way users are interacting with online models. The first one shows the number of interactions with parameters of the models. The total number of interactions for a specific hour, day or month are available, as well as average and maximum number of interactions per session for that time unit.

At the moment, all parameter interactions are displayed together, without discrimination. In the future, metrics related to specific parameters will become available as well.

3. File Exports

One type of user interaction has its own separate metric: export requests. Every time an export is triggered from a model, it is tracked and visible in the "Exports" tab. Like in the case of parameter interactions, the total amount as well as average and maximum number of exports per session are available for each time unit.

Exports are tracked separately because they are a key metric for configurators. Whether it is a marketing configurator exporting a quote or an eCommerce configurator where an export often translates to a sale, exports are often the final call to action of a configurator.

Filtering Models

Filter models depending on their name and properties.

By default, the Analytics page loads data for the models currently embedded on an external website, as well as the models using the export feature. Those are precisely the models that have led to spending ShapeDiver credits within the current month.

The detailed model table makes it convenient to search for specific models by name. Filtering according to various properties is also possible. In particular, one can filter models according to their privacy settings (public or private) as well as their status (active or deleted from the platform).

Keep An Eye On Your Credits

Sample data from the "Subscriptions" tab

Each ShapeDiver Pro account comes with a chosen credit package, including discounted sessions and exports from models embedded in configurators and other applications. Until today, Pro customers have relied on monthly overview reports stating the total number of used credits.

The ShapeDiver Analytics make it easier and more insightful to track credit usage. In the new Subscriptions tab, you will find all the relevant data regarding the status of your subscription. You are now able to have a complete overview of the credits used within the current month. The dashboard explains how they have been used and how many are still available within your plan. Like for the other metrics, credit usage is available up to a hourly precision level.

Next Steps

At the moment, the dashboard gives a global overview about the visitors of the models. In the next release of the ShapeDiver Analytics, we will start to introduce metrics concerning individual parameters of your models.

Parameter analytics are a powerful tool to analyze product options and profiling customers more accurately. They allow to go further in improving your product configurators: rethink the customer journey by re-ordering parameters in the interface or the succession of different steps customers need to go through. Depending on their popularity, either extend the range of some options, remove some of them, or altogether get rid of the ones that aren't relevant to your customers. Those are all small changes that can have a big impact on the user's experience. We are looking forward to allow this level of detail for ShapeDiver users.

NOTE: The ShapeDiver Analytics Dashboard is a beta feature available to ShapeDiver PRO and Enterprise users. We are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions so we can improve the tool continuously. Don't hesitate to leave them in the forum, as well as any bugs you find!

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